You can use simulation in your business to train employees, try out different scenarios and predict what effects particular actions will have. Simulation software or developing charts and models can help you make better decisions. The key is to use existing tools that suppliers have already tested or to test your own methods on past data to validate their performance. Once you know that a simulation tool gives reliable results, you can input actions and data to see what results you can achieve.
You can program spreadsheets or computer models to help you make decisions. Input known data and results to calibrate your model and program how given inputs result in specific outcomes For example, you can use simulation to decide how large a production run results in the highest profit. Input the data about the actual costs of production, pricing and costs of overproduction and let the model calculate the potential profit for various production runs. The results help you decide how many items your company should produce.
Advertisement Article continues below this adSimulations can help you refine your predictions. Enter historical data into a computer simulation program, and ask it to project future values based on past values. You can explore what the forecasts are if all variables remain the same and then change specific parameters to see what happens in particular cases. For example, you can use past sales data to have the simulation extrapolate sales projections linearly into the future. Sophisticated models will predict variations due to holidays or seasons. Reduce the price and simulate what happens to sales volume. Increase advertising and look for a corresponding effect. Such models help you to accurately predict sales variations for the price and advertising changes you are planning.
In addition to helping with forecasting and decisions, simulations can evaluate scenarios to give managers information about likely events. When contemplating competitors or marketplace dynamics, managers are often faced with questions about what would happen if certain events took place. For example, a new competitor might cut prices or introduce products with new features. Newly elected governments might implement new regulations. Simulations can evaluate hypothetical events in terms of effects on sales and profitability. Managers can then decide on strategies to counteract undesirable effects and reduce the exposure and risk for their companies.
Advertisement Article continues below this adEmployees often face particular business challenges only rarely with little opportunity to acquire experience. Simulations allow you to prepare employees for complex business environments by modeling business processes and training personnel in developing expertise dealing with difficult issues. Decide what expertise is valuable for your employees and offer corresponding simulated training. For example, if you want to promote innovation, training on how to take initiatives for change can be valuable. A simulated business model lets employees experiment with strategies that are effective and learn what approaches work best to achieve company goals.