An AOP is a legal form that establishes a parent – child relationship or “parentage.” By filing this form, you add a second parent to a child's birth certificate. Note: Some parents already on a birth certificate through marriage or registered domestic partnership may choose to file an AOP for use outside of Washington State to prove parentage.
Important note: The Department of Health will accept the prior version of the AOP form only if it was signed before January 1, 2019. The prior form was called the Paternity Acknowledgment form. The non-refundable $18 filing fee must be submitted with the prior form. We will send back all incomplete forms, prior forms that were signed after January 1, 2019 and incorrect payments.
You and the mother/birth parent of the child must use the AOP form if any of the following situations apply:
An AOP must be signed by the mother/birth parent and the second parent of the child.
If there are two parents currently listed on the child's birth certificate, a Denial of Parentage (DOP) form is required to change the second parent. Visit the Denial of Parentage page for more information.
In any other situation, a court order is required to add or remove a parent on a birth certificate. Visit the Court Order page for more information.
Send all forms and payments to:
Department of Health
Center for Health Statistics
PO Box 9709
Olympia, WA 98507
Yes. Each parent must choose to sign the AOP in front of either a notary OR a witness. The notary or witness must also complete the signature block.
Common notary locations include hospitals, local banks, title companies, and attorneys/county clerks.
A person signing the witnessed statement must be at least 18 years of age and not related by blood or marriage to the individuals who sign an AOP form. The local child support offices will serve as witnesses. Center for Health Statistics staff will not serve as witnesses.
You have 1 year from the date the AOP is filed to submit a 422-034 Affidavit for Correction form (PDF) to change your child's last name. You can change it to either parents' names on the AOP (any combination of either parents' first, middle, or last names). You can only make this change once. Both parents listed on the AOP must sign the form. You can send the Affidavit for Correction form separately or together with an AOP form to the Department of Health. There is no additional fee. If the child is 18 years or older, a court order is required to change the child's name.
An Assertion form only applies in situations when a person and the mother/birth parent of the child were married or became state domestic partners after the birth of a child. The spouse can file an Assertion form with the Department of Health. Visit the Assertion page for more information.
Anyone who signed an AOP or DOP form may change their mind. You can submit a Rescission of Parentage form up to 60 days to undo an AOP or DOP form. Visit the Rescission of Parentage page for more information.
For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you currently have a certified copy of a certificate that was issued less than one year ago, send in the certified copy of the certificate with your correction request; we will exchange the certificate at no charge.