Performing Database Operations in Java | SQL CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT

In this article, we will be learning about how to do basic database operations using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API in Java programming language. These basic operations are INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements in SQL language. Although the target database system is Oracle Database, the same techniques can be applied to other database systems as well because the query syntax used is standard SQL and is generally supported by all relational database systems.


You need to go through this article before continuing for a better understanding.

java.sql Package

Before jumping into the database operation let us know about java.sql package which we will be using in our Java program for connecting to the database.

java.sql package provides APIs for data access and data processing in a relational database using Java programming language. There are some important interfaces and classes that come under java.sql package.



Creating a user in Oracle Database and granting required permissions :

create user identified by ; conn / as sysdba;
grant dba to ;

Create a sample table with blank fields :

id varchar2(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
pwd varchar2(30) NOT NULL,
fullname varchar2(50),
email varchar2(50)

Principal JDBC interfaces and classes

Let’s take an overview look at the JDBC’s main interfaces and classes which we’ll use in this article. They are all available under the java.sql package:

Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl", "login1", "pwd1");
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
String q1 +id+ "', '" +pwd+ "', '" +fullname+ "', '" +email+ "')";
int x = stmt.executeUpdate(q1);
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
String q1 = "select * from userid WHERE
AND pwd = '" + pwd + "'";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(q1);

Connecting to the Database

The Oracle Database server listens on the default port 1521 at localhost . The following code snippet connects to the database name userid by the user login1 and password pwd1 .